When Water Fills Puppy's Hole in the Sand His Reaction is Priceless

We've all been there: You're enjoying a lovely day on the beach, soaking up the sun and building sandcastles, just to have the waves come in and wash it all away. While watching the waves come in and out can be relaxing, it's a bummer when all your hard work goes down the drain—or out to sea.

One adorable puppy experienced that feeling during his very first beach day. In a viral YouTube video, Angus is playing in the sand and trying his paw at digging a giant hole. His owner is busy filming this core memory when a big wave crashes down and fills of the hole Angus dug. The adorable golden retriever puppy's reaction was caught on camera and it's totally priceless.

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Angus's meme-worthy reaction shows his confusion after experiencing the power of waves for the first time. The tiny pup returns to his sand hole, only to be thwarted again by incoming tides. Angus jumps back from the water, watching as water fills his hole once more. Then, having a tiny puppy tantrum, he hops around, trying to figure out what just happened. In the aww-worthy clip, he places his paws on the edge of the sand, starting to slide into the water.

There is nothing better than cute animals and their hilarious antics. With summer in full swing, we hope to see more adorable puppy-beach compilations.

Do you ever take your dog to the beach? Show us some of your pics on our Wide Open Pets Facebook page!

READ MORE: Get Ready for "Hot Dog Summer" With Our Favorite Water Toys!